Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

We loved having Christmas Eve and Kim and Cyndie's house this year.  We couldn't be happier than we are when we are with family and particularly, our two fantastic grandsons, Jack and Silas.

Jack learned how to say "cheeeeese", so Mom and Dad took the opportunity for a family photo.

Jack Thomas Fryan, saying "cheeeeeese".

Silas Michael Bray modeling the new sweater Grandma got him for Christmas.  Frankly, he enjoyed the new toys a lot more.

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

Our Christmas Eve hosts, Kim and Cyndie Marksbury.
Thank you for a terrific evening!

Lorie and our dear friend, Karen Ostermiller.

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

Uncle Kim holds Silas while Diane talks him (Silas) into giving her a kiss.

Newlyweds, Daniel and Chelsy Evangelista (Diane's daughter)
Chelsy works with us at King and is truly an inspiration.

Kim and Cyndie have good reason to be so proud of their daughter, Kymberly.

Simply stated, one of the nicest people on earth!

Joanelle and Brittany Quijada.... next year at Christmas, Brittany will be married!


Lauren and Kyle's son, Ethan, checks out the shiny ornaments on the tree.

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

Dad (Michael) finally gets a minute to play with Silas after all the
grandparents and aunts and uncles have him wound up!

Ethan (and his adorable rosy red cheeks) put the finishing touches on his mom

with a bow on top of her head.

Kim shows off his white elephant gift.

Syd also shows off his white elephant gift. Notice the amazing resemblance?

Mike looking a little tired. All this eating and fun can wear a man out!

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

Uncle Tim loves to have his picture taken!
Tim has become my best friend on late nights when he shows up with "King Taco"!

Ernie the third and Ernie the fourth (Quattro)

Kristal Fryan ... Syd's daughter, Rob's wife, accomplished third grade teacher...

but most importantly... Jack's Mom! There isn't a father on earth, more proud!

Ryan McCann.

Finished first in his age group at the San Diego half marathon in December.
Terrific young man!

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

Daniel and Ryan before dinner...

Silas having fun with his dad!

Diane and grandson, Ernie Quijada IV

Kymberly and Morten

Ethan and his dad, Kyle, playing with the wind chime.

Christmas Eve at the Marksbury's 2009

It was a joy to have Ethan around. When Silas and Jack are around, he gets stampeded!

Ernie III, Kelsey and Ernie IV

Ernie, aka Ernie Quijada (4th)

Jack and Silas photo shoot-Christmas 2009